After a week off for Christmas, I'm back with the first Radd's Basement: Nerd Culture Podcast of 2017! I'm calling this a New Year's special, actually recorded ON New Years Eve, near midnight, with my dear friend Koop. I've talked about "My buddy Koop" many times on both this and my former podcast, so I'm honored and humbled to finally have a chance to sit down with him and talk about the junk we love! This time, since not only do we both love Star Wars, but also since it's in the news lately, what with that Rouge One thing going on as well as the recent passing of our beloved Princess Carrie Fisher, Star Wars is the dominant theme of this episode. It wasn't planned, it just kinda happened, and that's ok with me! We talk about Doctor Who, Marvel & DC, and sprinkle in a little Star Trek, but the big topic is Star Wars. Koop gives his thoughts on Star Wars Clone Wars, and we discuss our mutual thoughts about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Adventure! Excitement! Do you crave these things? If so, you're not a Jedi, but you will enjoy this podcast!